Task 1
What is the default command line interpreter in the Windows environment?
Task 2
What is the OS version of the Windows VM?
What is the hostname of the Windows VM?
Task 3
Which command can we use to look up the server’s physical address (MAC address)?
ipconfig /all
What is the name of the process listening on port 3389?
What is the IP address of your gateway?
Task 4
What are the file’s contents in C:\Treasure\Hunt?
Task 5
What command would you use to find the running processes related to notepad.exe?
tasklist /FI “imagename eq notepad.exe”
What command can you use to kill the process with PID 1516?
taskkill /PID 1516
Task 6
The command shutdown /s
can shut down a system. What is the command you can use to restart a system?
shutdown /r
What command can you use to abort a scheduled system shutdown?
shutdown /a