Nmap: The Basics| TryHackMe — Writeup

Nov 2, 2024


Task 2

What is the last IP address that will be scanned when your scan target is

Task 3

How many TCP ports are open on the target system at MACHINE_IP?


Find the listening web server on MACHINE_IP and access it with your browser. What is the flag that appears on its main page?


Task 4

What is the name and detected version of the web server running on MACHINE_IP?

lighttpd 1.4.74

Task 5

What is the non-numeric equivalent of -T4?

  • T aggressive

Task 6

What option must you add to your nmap command to enable debugging?

  • d

Task 7

What kind of scan will Nmap use if you run nmap MACHINE_IP with local user privileges?

Connect Scan



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