CAPA: The Basics| TryHackMe — Writeup

3 min readNov 3, 2024


Task 2

What command-line option would you use if you need to check what other parameters you can use with the tool? Use the shortest format.


What command-line options are used to find detailed information on the malware’s capabilities? Use the shortest format.


What command-line options do you use to find very verbose information about the malware’s capabilities? Use the shortest format.


What PowerShell command will you use to read the content of a file?


Task 3

What is the sha256 of cryptbot.bin?


What is the Technique Identifier of Obfuscated Files or Information?


What is the Sub-Technique Identifier of Obfuscated Files or Information::Indicator Removal from Tools?


When CAPA tags a file with this MAEC value, it indicates that it demonstrates behaviour similar to, but not limited to, Activating persistence mechanisms?


When CAPA tags a file with this MAEC value, it indicates that the file demonstrates behaviour similar to, but not limited to, Fetching additional payloads or resources from the internet?


Task 4

What serves as a catalogue of malware objectives and behaviours?

Malware Behavior Catalogue

Which field is based on ATT&CK tactics in the context of malware behaviour?


What is the Identifier of “Create Process” micro-behavior?


What is the behaviour with an Identifier of B0009?

Virtual Machine Detection

Malware can be used to obfuscate data using base64 and XOR. What is the related micro-behavior for this?

Encode Data

Which micro-behavior refers to “Malware is capable of initiating HTTP communications”?

HTTP Communication

Task 5

Which top-level Namespace contains a set of rules specifically designed to detect behaviours, including obfuscation, packing, and anti-debugging techniques exhibited by malware to evade analysis?


Which namespace contains rules to detect virtual machine (VM) environments? Note that this is not the TLN or Top-Level Namespace


Which Top-Level Namespace contains rules related to behaviours associated with maintaining access or persistence within a compromised system? This namespace is focused on understanding how malware can establish and maintain a presence within a compromised environment, allowing it to persist and carry out malicious activities over an extended period.


Which namespace addresses techniques such as String Encryption, Code Obfuscation, Packing, and Anti-Debugging Tricks, which conceal or obscure the true purpose of the code?


Which Top-Level Namespace Is a staging ground for rules that are not quite polished?


Task 6

What rule yaml file was matched if the Capability or rule name is check HTTP status code?


What is the name of the Capability if the rule YAML file is reference-anti-vm-strings.yml?

reference anti-VM strings

Which TLN or Top-Level Namespace includes the Capability or rule name run PowerShell expression?


Check the conditions inside the check-for-windows-sandbox-via-registry.yml rule file from this link. What is the value of the API that ends in Ex is it looking for?


Which parameter allows you to output the result of CAPA into a .json file?


What tool allows you to interactively explore CAPA results in your web browser?

CAPA Web Explorer

Which feature of this CAPA Web Explorer allows you to filter options or results?

Global Search Box



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